Sunday Services - Every Second Sunday
Address: Currawong community centre, Currawong St, Mornington VIC 3931
Mobile: 0411 522 554
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Purpose of Mornington Spiritual Church Inc. is as follows:

To educate and teach people on the Mornington Peninsula about Spirituality and our True Nature.

To pursue the exploration of Spirituality, Spiritual Teachings, and the continuation of personality beyond death through Church Services, Meetings, Workshops, Courses and Groups gatherings.

To uphold and share the Philosophies of Spiritualism as a guide as to how to walk life’s path.




Start 3.00 pm ❤️Healing 2.30 pm❤️Finish 4.30 pm

Refreshments provided - tea, coffee and biscuits

Shelia Morgan - Speaker

Shelia Morgan

Medium - Reiki Practitioner - Crystals and Psychic Development Circle

Shelia began studying Mediumship in 1987 although, as she was growing up, she experienced times when she knew “things”, however she did not tell anyone. 

After sitting in a Psychic Development Circle for two years Shelia began her private practice and was invited to give regular lectures and demonstrations at Spiritualist Centre's in Victoria. 

Shelia continued to attend Circle and after seven years of study she opened her own Circle which is still in operation.

Shelia counts leading and guiding practicing Mediums and Psychics as an important aspect of her work with Spirit.

In 1990, Shelia began her journey with Reiki, and become a Reiki practitioner in 1994 following on to become a Reiki Master in 1999 and she has been teaching regularly since then. 

Shelia has developed a study course on Crystals, Colour and Chakras and regularly use Crystals as part of her Readings.

When Shelia gives a Reading, she concentrates on who has come through for the person, asking what they want the seeker to know and passing on the messages in as loving a manner as possible.

Along with writing her own Course Notes and Manuals, intuitive writing has always been part of Shelia’s journey.”


What does ‘work’ with Spirit mean to you?

“To me working with Spirit means that I start my day with a prayer and a self-Reiki.

It means that I am on purpose with everything that I do, listening and acting on the still, small voice within.

It means that I treat everyone with respect and loving kindness.

It means that I take nothing for granted and have gratitude for everything and everyone in my life.”

Mariam Ghosn and Shelia Morgan - Demonstrators

Mariam Ghosn

Mariam began her Tarot journey after a profound reading with a gifted Irish psychic. Since then, she has offered insightful readings for several years.


Mariam has always been fascinated with all things mystical and has been reading Tarot cards for several years. 


Mariam has also completed several courses including Reiki and Psychic Development.

Shortly after her second daughter was born, Mariam started to experience the presence of Spirit and was drawn to Mediumship.


She was fortunate enough to find and become a member of Sheila Morgan’s Development Circle.


Mariam is now a well-known as a Mediumship is and greatly appreciates the joy and healing that comes from working with Spirit.” 


It is Mornington Spiritual Church’s pleasure to introduce Anna and Mariam, both being renowned Speakers and Demonstrator’s in Victoria.


Please welcome both Mariam and Shelia to the platform on Sunday 9th February 2025.


Shelia Morgan

Sheila has been a practicing Medium since 1987 and has been a Reiki Master since 1999 after being a practitioner for 9 years. She gives regular lectures on Spiritual topics and demonstrations of her psychic abilities at Spiritualist Centres across Victoria. She holds regular classes in Psychic/Self Development and Meditation/Discussion groups and teaches Reiki I, II, III and Masters on a ongoing basis, plus Zoom Meetings.

Sheila enjoys running Workshops on Crystals, colour and the chakra systems, Numerology, Sound and Movement, Personal Home and Space Clearings. She has published The Flying Pelican newsletter, The Light Workers Way Magazine and several Heart-work Manuals and is committed to writing in whatever form that should take.



Our Spiritual Pathway

May we all be well, happy, and peaceful,

May no harm come to us,

May we all also have patience, courage, understanding, kindness, and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in our lives.

Teach me to behave sincerely and reasonably toward everyone, that I may bring confusion and sorrow to no one.

Bestow on me, the strength to endure the fatigue of the day and to bear my part in its events.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to suffer, to forgive, and to always love everyone with no judgement.,God%20granted%20him%20his%20request.




We are a "Not for Profit" organisation that wants to unite and support this beautiful spiritual community by opening our doors wide for everyone who is searching to grow spiritually especially in this age of confusion and chaos.

We rely on donations and the church membership to help to keep the doors open. We keep the Church warm in the winter and cool in summer for the comfort of our congregation.

Membership Fee: $30.00 Non-members

MSCI Membership: $25.00 Members

The Membership of $20 per annum also entitles you to a discount of $5.00 on every Workshop you attend. 

Where do you go to obtain a Membership? Go online or see Maureen after Church and fill in a form then. 

Maureen Mallet Mobile#: 0435 020 032