Speaker - Anne Wee
Sunday, 23rd February 2025
“I have to say that my conversation this morning with my guides was all about groups and Val has just spoken about being connected. So, let’s see where we go.
I want you to understand that when we talk about groups, we have groups here on the physical and the spiritual levels. And within those groups are ascended souls, if you like all spirits that will come and work with you, and I want you to understand that it is not just one guide you have but several and they work together, they give an energy that comes usually with one speaker but there are several guides so let’s see who comes through.”
(Anne's voice changes to a very strong, masculine tone)
The Arabian
“Good afternoon. I come to you with speech to make you understand that we work together as if we are one and a whole. There are several of us that are wishing to come through today so this a way that we can introduce ourselves to you.
I am the Arabian. I come from a time before Christ. I come in here with strength and with vision to enable, to help this one with all the little things that go on within her life; to give her guidance and to give her understanding. I speak with you this day to make you understand that I am standing at the forefront of this group of Guides today but, those that are with me stand behind me and give me the energy and the strength to go through with this.
I speak from several planes above you so that I link in with others to give you this energy and this strength to come through to let you know that we go on and on within the spiritual realms; that we survive. That we go on and we go forward, that we come back to help those that come with us. I let you know to understand this, that your guides will be with you. They will walk with you, they will talk with you, but it will not be just one, it will be several of them that are with you in certain times and in certain ways.
There are times when we need a softness, when we need to be able to bring through a spirit very quietly and we will also do that this way.”
(Anne's voice change to a very soft, gentle, feminine tone)
The Geisha
“Good afternoon. I am the Geisha. I come with softness, and I come with strength and energy as well. But I do not raise my voice as the Arabian. He stands before us, and he speaks for us, and we give him the energy and the strength and the different ways of being able to do this with you.
I bring to you the peace and the harmony that come with a settled life. I bring to you the peace and the joy of being together within the group. I do not speak very often but I am with this one most times. I come with her, and I travel with her in her sleep time. I work with her on a peaceful level to keep her calm and to help her move through.
I bring to her the love and the joy that comes from being peaceful, from being the one that is enabling you to be able to be at peace with others and, in this way, you all will have this one guide that will come to give you the peace and to give you the harmony when life is in an uproar.
There are times when I am able to speak, there are times when I cannot for there is a shyness within me. Within my past life, I was very quiet. I did not speak much. I was always the one who did the service, never the thought just the service and now, when I do that service with each of you, I bring to you the peace and the harmony that you cannot understand until you reach the levels of speaking on the planes from which we come. You rise yourselves up into these planes and you make yourselves the light and the brightness to attract others to you, to bring this gentleness to you. We commend that you do this. We commend that you are able to come forward and to give of yourselves to those who come near you and surround you.
To each of you, you have groups. To each of you, you have varying groups. You have a group here and a group there and every one of those groups is intermingling with yourselves and within other people. You are able to interact with all. On one side is one thought and on the other side is another thought. But you have your groups.
Groups are an important part of your life. They make you who you are. They bolster you up. They give you energy and they give you strength. They give you humility and they give you understanding. You understand that this is part of what we are wishing to give to you, of what we wish for you to have. That you are able to help and to pass on messages and to give support when it is needed because you are understanding more of the Divine laws than some of those around you. That you understand when you can help and when you can stand back and that is what I mean. I need to be able to understand when to stand back. Excuse me and Bless you.”
(Anne's voice change to a cultured masculine tone)
“I am Wang. I am the doorkeeper for this one. I come with her every time she opens herself to allow the Spirits, to allow the energy and the Guides to speak through her. I make sure that she is safe. I make sure that she is at one and I make sure that nothing is allowed to come through that is not permitted by both her and myself.
I give my blessings to every one of you. I come from many, many years back. I come from times when there were wars and there was strife. I would have you know that my fingernails were long. And that I am able to count and work with numbers in my head. I was one of the lucky ones that was enabled to do these things, and this is what I bring to this one. I bring to her the ability with the numbers. I bring her the ability to be able to work with people and I do guard her as part of a separate mission.
We worked together in lives past, and she understands this. She understands that I am part of her, and she is a part of me, and she knows that I stand back, and I allow the Egyptian to come through because he is, in effect, if you may wish to call it, the leader of our group. He is the main Guide, and he guides her in all instances. He welcomes the ability to work with her and to be able to speak to you and so, it enables us to stay back and to allow you to listen to him and to his wise words and understand that, within our group these words come from all of us and not just one of us. We give him the energy. We allow him to talk, so I will step back and allow him to come forward.
(Voice change to the very strong, masculine tone)
The Arabian
Now you understand that this is a part of the way that group will work, and it is within this group that we merge forward and move upward into the Spiritual realms. We come as part of each one. We come together and we work together, and we meld together. It is not just one. It is several and it is one.
It is one of us moving forward because each of us is a corner or a part of the other. We work together we move together, and we live and understand where this one is going at the same time.
We give you the ability to be able to understand that you are never alone, that your groups that work with you are with you from the day that you come together into this Earth plane. They work with you from that time through until the time when you depart this Earth plane and, when you depart this Earth plane, I will have you understand that you move back within the group That you are a part of that group that comes through to talk with you, that you are never alone within that group and, not even when you pass over into the Astral planes, do you actually have an ability to be by yourself. This is not an ability that we wish you to have.
Because you must join, you must join with each other to understand where you are and what you are and how you be. You will go through things when you pass into the ethereal planes, and you will get happy and well again with those ethereal planes but then you will move through the levels, and you will move into the group that you come from, and you will know home.
You will understand home. You will understand the homecoming that is waiting for you when you come to join with the group of guides that are with you at this point. But this group does not always include those you have mixed with on the Earth plane, but it does sometimes include them.
You must understand that you must tend and work with others of the group to give them the energy and to give them the level of knowledge that you would have as you move through your group because, each one of you has a group. Each one of you has a method and a way of working. Each one of you moves forward as you speak. Each one of you moves forward with each step that you take and, as you move toward the homecoming, you know that you will be blessed with the love of all of those that come with you. Of all of those that look after you. And all those that cherish you. You will meet your loved ones. You will meet those who have gone before.
But you will be with us again. You will meet your group, your guides, your souls, your energies, your guidance. You will meet them again and understand that you were chosen for this life when you put your foot forward to accept this life with the help of these people, these guides, these Spirits. We hope you understand that there are these groups, and we know that you emulate these groups on this Earth plane; understand it is part of your purpose, part of your life plan. With that we give you blessings. Thank you.”
Anne’s Voice.
“Like I said, we talk about groups.
Do you understand?
There are the groups within each of us, in all our levels, no matter where we come from, no matter how far back our guides go, we are a group and we work together, never apart, always together.
I think that my guides don’t very often do that. They don’t very often come forward on masse. It is usually my Arabian who speaks but the power that comes through them and the energy when I need some help is amazing.
They are with me, they help me; they comfort me. I will leave you with those thoughts.”
Love and light to you all
Anne Wee
Homily - Val Ollive
Sunday 23 February 2025
I would like everyone to stand up and introduce yourself to the person behind, if you know them you can give them a hug. Even if you don’t know them, give a hug anyway.
Now you have connected to others in the hall, are you still feeling the same or are you feeling uplifted?
It’s funny how having a connection with another person can change your vibration. That is what will happen in 2025 when we reconnect to each other, that includes Mum and Dad and the children.
Put down the phones and tablets, step away from the computer, spend time with the family. I am not saying spend hours a day with them but perhaps an hour or so. Even if it’s over the evening meal where hopefully you all sit down together.
(It is so important now that we all come together as a collective to help raise the vibration not only around us, but in the world. )
As I have said before we are here to be of service to one another and what better way than being more connected to one another, to lend a helping hand, a listening ear. What does it cost? Nothing financially but an awful lot in emotional, physical, and spiritual support.
Somehow, as the world turns faster, we tend to roll with it. More time spent chasing material things which won’t help you live longer, in fact it might just shorten your life from the stress it causes. Perhaps it’s time to take time out for self-care, to teach your children now before they get to the “Whatever” stage for believe me, whatever you teach them now will surface eventually, you only have to look at us.
We didn’t listen all the time when we were growing up but, somewhere along the line things that was told to us surfaced and helped us in our lives. I’d like to think the majority remember the things that were told to them but, there may be some happy to forget. For those l say, “please don’t hold anger and bitterness – forgiveness is a wonderful healer.” So, to finish off, please stay connected to all people. (Hold love, faith, hope in your heart to help make this world, a world of connected souls.)
(It is so important now that we all come together as a collective to help raise the vibration not only around us, but in the world. )
As I have said before we are here to be of service to one another and what better way than being more connected to one another, to lend a helping hand, a listening ear. What does it cost? Nothing financially but an awful lot in emotional, physical, and spiritual support.
Somehow, as the world turns faster, we tend to roll with it. More time spent chasing material things which won’t help you live longer, in fact it might just shorten your life from the stress it causes. Perhaps it’s time to take time out for self-care, to teach your children now before they get to the “Whatever” stage for believe me, whatever you teach them now will surface eventually, you only have to look at us.
We didn’t listen all the time when we were growing up but, somewhere along the line things that was told to us surfaced and helped us in our lives. I’d like to think the majority remember the things that were told to them but, there may be some happy to forget. For those l say, “please don’t hold anger and bitterness – forgiveness is a wonderful healer.” So, to finish off, please stay connected to all people. (Hold love, faith, hope in your heart to help make this world, a world of connected souls.)