Hello everyone, I see so many smiling faces, however what I have noticed today is the colour in the Church. Just looking around and seeing how colourful the room is, I feel there is a lot of energy in the room. 

Now I am wondering what "Spirit" is going to give me today. Sometimes they let me know in advance however, today is one of those magical, mystery rides and I am glad that we are going there because you do not know quite what you will get, do you? Even what I have prepared today may be out the door, but I am open to what Spirit has in store for us today.

Now I feel drawn to this lovely picture of the Phoenix and Spirit are pointing this out very strongly to me today and they want you to tune in to it. You may not have noticed it in the past and I must say that today is the first time I have noticed it. I know it has been here but, this time I am drawn to it and Spirit are saying that there is something very symbolic, very powerful to this centre, this place, this place of connections. 

So, as we tune into this picture today, I want you to just trust your own intuition, your own sense of Spirit. There is something in this picture for you. There is a message here. There is a word or energy that you need currently, not just for yourself but for everyone who is present today. I am not sure what that is, but I would like you to just tune into this picture and tell me the first word that comes to you. Share it with us. Raising from the ashes. Anyone else? In the back of the room – Love. So, there is a sense of love that is arising from this picture too. Anyone else? Regeneration. New beginnings. Rebirth. Resilience. Connection. Freedom to fly high. 

What amazing energy from one painting and what they are showing me is, that this symbol is important, because at the moment our earth is going through a significant change in energy. I am not sure if you have realised it but, at the beginning of the year there was a huge change, a shift in consciousness for many. Some have gone into other caves where they have had to go to reconnect with themselves.

Is there a place where you need to go and find yourself again? Sometimes that is what we must do to honour our Spirit because, it is in that place of stillness, that we find the connection to our soul again. It is in that place that we start to listen to the universe, to listen to the whisper of God. This is what they are telling me. 

And this whisper of God is very subtle. It is as the whisper of your Guides, the whisper of your Angels, all are very subtle and yet, when we take time out honour self, and we find that stillness, we reconnect with that presence. How many of you have felt that subtle presence of the Divine. It is very subtle but when it comes it is like a wave of energy that connects with our soul and Spirit, and it bring us a new energy and that is what is coming through this picture of a rising, of an elevating of Spirit, your Spirit.

So, what it is showing me today is that the consciousness on this Earth is shifting and changing and you, who are aware of this at the moment, are the Light Keepers. You are the ones who are holding this energy for the Earth to go through this shift. And the greatest gift you can give to yourself is to take yourself to a place of centeredness that is sacred. It is the place where there is a connection, and it is pure, and it is flowing, and it comes from love.

And if you have ever felt that connection you know that it is pure Divinity. And it is usually not outside of ourselves. It is within us. So, what is it that gets in the way of that connection. Beliefs? Us? Expectations? Sometimes the busyness of our lives? Ego? Easing God Out. And when we come back to that we find it is a pure vibration. It is interesting to realise that at the beginning of this service Val spoke about this energy and vibration that connects us.

So today the message from Spirit is that they are wanting to bring this energy and vibration to you. I almost see this flame of light that is coming down. It is almost like an image of pure energy that is coming to awaken us to something. A new channel to a new way of being and they are showing me that the doorway of energy is opening and, as we shift up a level, as we shift up our consciousness, as we begin to reconnect with who we really are, something begins to open, and we begin to rise beyond this level of fear. Some people say it is to ‘f’ everything and run. Others say it is to find your spirit and rise. So, fear is a powerful word, and fear is very strong here on this earth at the moment. We see it creating divisiveness and there is so much dissension, however we, as the Light holders, we are here to hold that Light of Truth that comes from love. That Light that knows that ‘hey you are my sister, and you are my brother. There is no separation and, within our heart, when we connect it is about bringing the two together especially where there is a disconnection.’

So, holding this energy they want to open this doorway there is a new portal of energy that is awakening. And it is not outside of us, it is within us. Did anyone see the movie, ‘The Wizard of OZ?’  What was Dorothy searching for? Yes, the way back home. She searched everywhere. And just like the Tin Man, The Lion, The Scarecrow, what were they searching for? What did they discover? What they were searching for outside themselves was already within. The Lion all its life was searching for Courage and yet, courage was already there. The Tin Man was searching for a Heart, yet he was one of the most compassionate beings. The Scarecrow was searching for a Brain and yet, he had the intellect and wisdom and insight within him already.

So today Spirit wants us to take a journey within. They want us to go within to reconnect with the deepest sense of self that is going to shift and raise and rise and soar and elevate. To shift the energy of this earth and vibration of our lives to a new level. And what they are saying is that it begins with one person and who is that person?  Who is in this room today? Yes. You.

Here is the interesting thing. When we start to heal the division in ourselves, we start to heal the division in our world. When we start to find that connection to true love that is always present and has always been present, we find and hold that love and that vibration within ourselves. 

If you have ever watched any great movie, you will understand this because there is something very special about movies. I personally love autobiographical movies and I think it is because we are attracted to how they did what they did, and we want to know about their lives. We want to know how to do it. There is something special about finding out what is behind the story of what the experiences of other people have been and within that, we can find the courage or the faith or the inspiration to say, ‘hey what I have seen in that character or that person’s life has given me an insight into how I might live my life.’ And you would not say that if it was not already within you.

In any example of life where there is a hero or heroine, if you have seen a character trait in them that impressed you. Maybe it was the way they led their lives. Or maybe it was the ability to stay calm and be at pace and hold the state of non-violence like Ghandi. If you recognize that trait then it is already within you and that movie is an archetype waiting to awaken you to the greater level to reconnect to that which is already a part of you.

So, I went to see a movie recently about the life of Maria Frances Cabrini. Maria Franes Cabrini was born in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano in Italy in 1850 and, at a young age, she almost drowned which caused her lungs to be compromised and throughout her life she struggled with ill health but, through that time she had an interaction with God. God that came to her through a church she used to go to, and it awakened something deep within her heart and she found that she had a calling to go and help people. She wanted to serve the world in a greater way. She did not know where this calling came from and, for most heroes, we do not know where the call come from, it is something that arises one day or maybe it is something that happens in our life. All of us have experienced some trauma or tragedy in our lives but when we go through that experience there is something powerful, a gift that, if we are present, we can unwrap to understand what we need to do next. And so young Frances Cabrini decided that this was her calling. She was here to help the poor, the vulnerable and those who could not help themselves. And so, she tried to enlist in some of the missionary orders in the Catholic Church, but she was turned away from all of them. They told her that she did not have the constitution to be part of any order. And, after three different orders turned her away, she decided to set up orphanages in Italy.

But then she had a vision. She was inspired through Spirit and through God that she needed to go and send the word of what she was doing through love and care to China. So, in the late 1800’s she travelled to Rome to see the Pope and plead with him to send her to China so she could be a missionary and set up orphanages and care for those in need.

Now at that time how many women do you think were in power? None. It was a very male dominated world especially in organised religions. But even though they told her that she was just a woman, she turned to the Pope and managed to convince him.

Now Pope Leo VIII knew that if he sent this woman to do missionary work and she failed then that would be the end of it for all women at that time. But there was something within her that made her persist and she said that she could either, “focus on her weakness or serve her purpose.” Pope Leo told her to ‘to go not to the East but to the West’ telling her to heal the West first and he sent her to America.

She began in New York building up missions and orphanages and her heart was strong and tuned in to her mission. She set up the order of the Institute of the Missionaries of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Mother Frances Cabrini, as she became known, set up 67 institutions; schools, hospitals, and orphanages all run by women. I am getting emotional now because she keeps coming around and she is telling me that, it is in our hearts, that we find this connection to serve in a greater way. This connection to the truth of why we are here. And it is to help and serve and heal this world. To bring light to this world. To bring honour to this world. Within each of you, you have this Light, this Energy and it is most needed right now. The earth needs it, and the people around you need it.

And so, I ask you to feel the encouragement around you today. Spirit wants you to know that all you need is within. It is interesting to note the title of the song before the one we sang. It was the hymn, ‘How Great Thou Art’ and Spirit want you to know that that is what they see. They see your greatness and they want you to see it. It is just that many have forgotten that. They have forgotten how great the Divinity is within each. And so, what they are sharing today is that we need to come to a place of healing and when we are healing, we are helping people release the energy, release the heaviness of their past that holds them back from their greatness, from how great they are.

I have seen this a lot with my clients this year. A lot of them are still carrying heaviness from their past, from old relationships, from old traumas and tragedies and things that have happened in their lives, and when your energy is in the past, where does your focus go? In the past. So, when we heal, what are we doing? We are releasing that energy. We are freeing it up to bring our life force energy into the present where it should be. And when we do that, we can use that to create. And here is the powerful thing. When our energy is in the past, we find it hard to manifest what we want. We might dream of creating a new relationship or more abundance or health and wealth for our family but, if our energy is caught in the past, it is very hard for us to create in the present. So today, they wish to bring healing. They wish to bring Restoration, Rejuvenation, Rebirth. But how do we do that?

They are taking me to India when I was there in 2019 and before I started my travels, and friend came to me and said that I should go to a particular place, a spiritual place at the base of the Himalayas. A beautiful little town on the river Ganges called Rishikesh. This is the birthplace of yoga; it is also the place where the Indian saints and gurus have gone to pray and meditate, and they go into the cave to find that stillness. There is a rumour that Jesus at one stage found a path through the Himalayas and stayed there for some time.

But in this place, I was told to go to the Divine Centre, and I found it on the top of the hill and there was a huge ashram by the guru called Swami Sivanda. He was a G.P. and he passed away many years ago. As I entered the ashram, it felt as if the energy was gone. There were hardly any devotees there. As I sat in the courtyard, I was shown a statue, and I was told that this was the philosophy that people lived by.

The path is very simple, but as human beings we complicate things, and they pointed out the four philosophies that were on this statue. They were Love. Serve. Meditate. Realise.

LOVE - It always starts with ourselves and with learning to love others.

Spirit shows me that we need to follow our joy. But that we do not need to search for our joy. What brings you joy? If you were following your joy, to do what brings you joy this month, how would that change your life?

SERVE - We are here for a purpose. Our Spirit and Soul came here to serve in a greater way. So, what is it that your Spirit is wanting you to serve? But you must be aware that your energy and your gifts valued. You need to value yourself so that you are honoured in the service you give.

MEDITATE - Why do we meditate? Because it brings us back to the connection with source. To the Spirit. Brings us back to truth, to quiet, to calm. And you do not have to do it for long, five minutes or the minutes of just sitting and breathing is enough to quell the noise and release the calm within.

REALISE - And the last one there is to realise that we can create, to know that we are powerful human beings. How great Thou Art. We are powerful human beings and, as you rise to the call of the Phoenix to use that energy, you can realise and know that you can create through your own thought, through your own spiritual perspective. You can create everything. We have choice so choose wisely as to where you put your thoughts to realise that your thoughts have power to change your world.

So, as I finish up, they are telling me to ask you to go this week and find a flower that is growing and meditate on it. There was a poet named Dylan Thomas who discovered the energy and the power that ‘flowed through the green fuse that drives the flower.’ And of course, the green fuse is the stem and that makes the flower blossom. That energy that moves the clouds, that today makes your heartbeat, and you do not have to think about it. That same energy that makes your lungs breathe moves the Sun through the sky and makes the Moon to move the tides. That energy is also within each of us. So, your homework is to go to your mirror tonight and say to yourself, ‘How Great Thou Art.’

To look at the 4 levels of Love, Serve, Meditate, Realize, and ask yourself, ‘where do I need to spend time this month.’ And secondly to take this image of whatever message has come through to you today, a message of awakening for you, could be one word, one thought, for there is something here for all of you. So, with that I leave you and thank you for listening and I hope they keep working with you. 

Namaste my friends