Speaker - presented by Christine Goritchan

The Journey of the Soul

Christine opened her talk by welcoming Val as her ‘Proof of Life’ demonstrating partner remarking that, she had not thought about bringing anyone with her, but Spirit knew what was needed.

“I want to share a little about the journey of the soul and yes, it is a huge subject but today, we will think about where we are now on this journey and there are many aspects that affect us on a day-to-day basis.

It is the journey of the soul that is so important for us to consider and while we try often other things get in the way. Spirit threw many words at me; understanding, knowing, awareness, connection, commitment, realisation, persistence, celebration, and there is always a plus one – allowance.”

She went on to speak about how, as we grow, we take on patterns that stay with us throughout our lives and these patterns can affect us positively or adversely as we proceed to learn about our soul journey. “The purpose of this soul journey is to come back to the truth of self and expansion of being.”

If you have that you have everything and everything falls into place. So, the question is,

Do you know your truth?

What you really love?

Where do you need to be for you.

Where are you placing your energy?

Who are you giving your energy away to?

Is your current truth in alignment with your soul journey?”

She went on to say that as we learn we can ask these questions of ourselves and if the answer is not to our liking, we can do something about it.

We have the choice, and that choice allows us to continue our soul journey or not. It is always our choice. But it is always in accordance with our soul journey. There is divine timing in everything we do, and with anyone we meet.

We must trust that our soul journey will reveal itself as we open ourselves to see and receive the lessons and more importantly, learn from them.