You have probably heard the saying, ‘Life doesn’t do it to you, it does it for you” - What does that mean? When things go wrong in our lives, as they often will, the tendency is to say, “Why me? What did l do to deserve this?” In your eyes probably nothing. However, if you think back to the reason we are here, which is to learn, it makes sense. 

So, life is doing it for you, for you to have the experiences you so do not want to have. As the saying goes “It’s not what you want, it’s what you need to traverse this life.” Do not think of the experience (whatever that may be) in the negative. It is giving you the chance to learn and gain understanding that you will use in the future.

If we sailed through life with no challenges, whether they be big or small, what would we have learnt. I do not know about you, but I think when you have mastered the challenge how good it makes you feel. We shy away from a lot of things in life because we fear the outcome.

But what is that saying about fear? “Feel the fear but do it anyway.” You do realize that God/Spirit will only give you what they know you can manage, and they always want you to succeed. The question is, are you up to the challenge? And do not forget, we are all connected in some way. I daresay there are friends who will quite happily step up to assist you in any challenge that you find overwhelming.

Of course, the biggest challenge is being open and asking for help. I would have to say, speaking for myself, I would not be doing this if not for my friends who assist me when l feel it’s all too hard.

So, take up the challenge and fear not, for help is all around just ask, and Spirit will do the rest.