Homily - Sunday, 15 December 2024

Presented by Val Ollive


Christmas comes but once a year,

and we are told, be of good cheer,

But that can be quite hard when your heart is not in it.


You have struggled all year to prepare for the day

when Santa arrives on his big red sleigh.

For some that is great, they will have presents galore,

However, spare a thought for the child next door.


Will his or her day be as happy as yours

when Santa flies past and seems to ignore,

the handwritten signs that ask pleadingly,

“please Santa don’t forget to call on me.”


In this world of so-called plenty,

we remind ourselves

of those stockings that are still empty,

Is it not said, no child should go without?


So, let’s give a shout out, to those who can help,

and donate to those charities

that are doing their best to ensure

that no stocking is seen to be empty,

when Santa calls in this land of plenty.

A present under the Christmas Tree

of Woolies or Coles or Aldi,

will brighten a child at this time of year

and maybe, just maybe,

they too can be of good cheer.


So please remember how fortunate we are,

give thanks to Spirit for guiding our way

to making Christmas a special day.

It matters not what religion you are,

what does matter the most

is that we share with all people everywhere.


So, whether you celebrate Christmas or not,

 may your Christmas be all that you wish it to be,

full of harmony, love and great memories.

Merry Christmas from all at the Mornington Spiritual Church.