Whilst meditating the other day, having a word with Spirit, saying we needed to be uplifted to remind us that we are Spirit having a physical experience they said, “What better than through the eyes of a child.” Spirit reminded me of a movie “Heaven is for Real.” Where a 4-year-old boy named Colton Burpo had a burst appendix and went to heaven. Now, as one bright spark said, “He must have been high on drugs.” l would prefer to think that he truly touched the Spirit World because of the information he gave after his experience, how could that be denied.
He met his grandfather who appeared a lot younger than when Colton knew him. He interacted with many family members in the Spirit World and, the bit that got me, was that he met his sister, whom he did not know, as his mother had miscarried at 2 months. When asked what her name was, she said she didn’t have one because they hadn’t given her one.
Now there are some who will say, “What a load of rubbish,” and have done. But all l can say is, it is a fantastic story for a 4-year-old to come up with. He must have been high on drugs. Well, of course he was, he was very ill, but that doesn’t mean that what he experienced was not real. However, we as Spiritualists know we can communicate with those in the Spirit World, so it is quite believable that Colton’s experience was real.
I think that as we grow up, when we come into this world, we have all these little challenges that we have to get over and we forget to look at things through the eyes of a child. To have fun, to have a joke, to look for the good in people not the bad. I am trying hard to remember that when I think of a certain person. However, I think that we have the chance to try to be better, to realise that there is life beyond here and that whatever we do here, it will come back to us.
If we just have the innocence of the child so that we try to see what is in their heart before we judge their outsides which sometimes means that we mis-judge people. I think what is so lacking in this world today is Love. Love is what we are here to learn. Love will take us back to that Divine Spark that is Spirit. We all have it. Everyone of us. Whether you choose to acknowledge that and work to help it grow within and spread out to those around you, is up to you. You have free will.
I know that sometimes life is very hard and there are lots of difficulties to get through and over but again, there is that choice. We can learn to forgive and not just others but ourselves. In everything we do there is an action and a reaction, and we need to ask ourselves, “What part did I play in that.” And when it comes to marriages, and it doesn’t work again, it is not one-sided thing. Regardless of how long a couple have been together if the love is there then it just changes but it is still love. It is no good to blame yourselves for what you didn’t do. Rather, see what you have learned from that experience. So, be uplifted because Spirit is always with you.
I feel for all those non-believers for they are missing out on knowing that there is life beyond what we know here, and God, in his infinite wisdom, has given us all the ability to connect with Spirit, whether you are old or young. The door is always open. You only have to turn the handle.
Let us be reminded that hell can be on earth and that heaven is for real. So, live the best life that you can knowing that Spirit will always have your back. Make the most of everyday. Have fun, tell a joke, laugh a lot, and open your heart to love. We can all do it, you just have to want to.
Love and light to you all.