Why Do We Lie to Ourselves?

I think we do not intentionally lie to ourselves; it just happens. As we grow up, not everyone will be told “you can’t do that” but a lot of us here have been. Why can’t we do that whatever it is? Is it because our parents have always shied away from the things they see as too hard or is it because the outcome might not be what they expect. And of course, there is the thought that if you don’t try then, you won’t be disappointed.

However, what if “you can’t do that” becomes “well, give it a go” because you never know what you can do until you try. There will be times when you fail at things, and that is ok for without the failures you will never know the joy in winning. I wonder how many people have given up on their dreams because of something that has been said to them.

However, this is your life, so don’t lie to yourself because you are afraid of failing. Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t let your children give up on theirs, purely on someone else’s belief that whatever it is, is not possible. As parents we try to do our best in guiding our children, putting boundaries into place, which are very necessary for their learning, but don’t make those boundaries so tight that the children can’t breathe. It is never too late to achieve your dreams or help your children achieve theirs. Nothing is set in stone, for as you grow, your dreams may change, as often they do, but that does not mean you give up on them.

Sometimes we just need to remember that, if Spirit doesn’t give up on us then, we should not give up on our dreams. We just need to believe and stop lying to ourselves for, if the truth is known, it is more than likely that you have achieved some of your dreams that you haven’t even thought about until now.

So, keep believing and never give up. You never know what you are capable of until you try.