Whilst thinking about what l would talk about today l had a laugh as my mind went to “Whatever happened to chivalry.” Some people today may even ask what that means. Well according to Wikipedia it is the Medieval Knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.


That got me thinking, do we have any religious, moral, or social codes in today's Society? Those being, the way in which we do not seek to tell people what religion they should believe in, knowing the difference between right and wrong, having respect for one another. These are all things which help to make the world a better place to live in.


I know a lot of people drive these days but what about those who catch the train or the bus. The old adage used to be when riding a bus or train and the seats were full, that the younger person would give their seat up for the more Senior person. Yes, that does still sometimes happen but l wonder how often. 


Due to the lack of communication between people and the use of electrical devices, I wonder if the younger generation see anything outside of the said device. I’m not having a go at the younger generation; it is what they have grown up with. Perhaps it is we who need to catch up. But do l, do we, want a world in which our language becomes silent? Are we going into a world where we communicate telepathically? l don’t think we are ready for that yet, do you?


Perhaps we need to all look at how we interact with those around us, including me. It takes time to adjust to what goes on in the world today, sometimes our heads get so full of information it becomes overwhelming. As we age our heads don’t work at the speed they used to, so we have to ask the younger generation to have patience with us, help us to understand their world but at our pace not theirs.


Again, just something to think about as some of us will be around for a lot longer yet and we need to try and keep up for our sakes as well as theirs. Whenever things get too hard, don’t forget you can always ask Spirit for help and trust the help will be given.  


Just be awake to see it.