SUNDAY 19th MAY 2024


You never know when you need someone until you need them, and since becoming the President of MSCI Church l have needed people to assist me in keeping the church going, especially when l have to ask at short notice for assistance.

It makes you realize that we must treasure those people in our lives, those who we have connected to on a vibrational level. We must not take them for granted, and do not expect that they will always be there because as things change, people change.

As children we make friends, and some will last a lifetime and that is a beautiful thing. Others may move on, and you may not hear from them again. Then there are those you may not see for a long time but when you get together you just pick up where you left off.

There are situations that bring new people into your life when you start work. In a new job it is overwhelming and good at the same time, however you still have to align your vibration with those you work with as it makes for a more harmonious workplace.

Many friendships are born through work relations and again may last for years, and l would like to think that however your friendships came about, you will treasure those memories that you have made together.

In today’s world it is important to remember that it is only through our connection to each other and the Divine Spirit that we may together bring peace to a world that is sorely in need. So next time you are feeling vexed by someone, take a deep breath and try not to respond in a negative manner and, yes I know that is sometimes hard to do however, if you just take a breath, focus your mindset and before saying something you may regret, that they may be more likely to be annoyed with themselves not you, you just happen to be there.

Here in this church, we are a community of like-minded people and we come together to celebrate our connection to the Divine Spirit, and through this connection new friendships will be made, hopefully lasting ones. So, let us together welcome this bond between all and be the beacon of light for all those who are seeking answers to questions about life / Universe and Spirit, and may we all find friendship in the process.

Love and Light Val Ollive