Saturday 24th March 2024




We know we are all on a journey in this lifetime to learn and grow and to connect to one another and Spirit. During our journey some of us are bringing up children, others maybe working in a career. Did you ever stop to think how your journey interacts with others on their journey, how we can without realising it influence another’s journey. With our children, friends, or colleagues we try to assist them, sometimes assistance is great, however, it can also inhibit that person in finding their own way. 

As parents or friends, we are, well, most of us, nurturers, we want our children, friends, to be happy and that is a wonderful thing. Being that nurturing person, trying hard not to let any harm come to our loved ones, we may, be interfering in their journey of self-discovery. I am not saying that guidance cannot be given it is when we try to control a situation that it can change that person’s journey. 

Everyone must discover what makes them happy, what floats their boat. We have had to learn that not everything in life is rosy and so must they. The best we as parents, friends and colleagues can do is to be there when things don’t quite match up to their expectations and help them understand that life is full of challenges, however, not to become disillusioned, accept the challenge, and move on, we won’t always get it right, but that’s life.

We all know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West this we know to be true, and as our lives go through the ebb and flow of living our life, we know that "Spirit" always walks beside us. Spirit has always been there, it was there at our rising and will be there in our setting, what we do on our journey is the most important thing. For Spirit, that is to love one another as the Divine Spirit loves you.

Love and Light Val Ollive❤️