Thank you for asking me to be here today and it has been an interesting process this time, because I started writing about my talk today, then I walked away, and Spirit would give me another bit and I would have to go back again. The interesting thing is that the song that was just played fits in perfectly because the topic for today when I asked Spirit immediately, I could hear the John Farnham song “That’s Freedom” and I could hear his voice in my head singing it.

Being a person who loves words, I went to the dictionary to find the definition of freedom. So, freedom is the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think etc whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited. And so, when you think about the pressures put upon us that limit the things we do, the things that we must do, the financial constraints that can happen, all these and more can and do put pressure upon us.

And more often than not we do things not because we want to, but because we have to or think we should do. And those financial constraints can also keep us from doing what we really want to when we want to do it. So, when we take an inventory of our lives, we realize that we are not as free as we would like to think. There are a lot of rules and guidelines that control our behaviours, and these also control our desires.

We have a responsibility and expectations that restrict how we spend our money and time and, so many of us have dreams that perhaps are being put to one side or that perhaps have died because we don’t feel free to pursue them. We spend our time and energy doing what is expected of us, rarely allowing ourselves to do want we want to do. So, while we may be physically free, those rules and responsibilities, and limitations and sometimes fears often imprison us in our own minds.

So, when you take all the constraints of life into consideration and add to that the conditioning that we undergo with significant others and the experiences that we go through in our formative years, and I also heard the word there is fear here, the questions are, can we really be free?

And the answer is yes. Absolutely. And while the thought of being free, completely free, does sound nice in practice, probably not the best way to go because we do need to have rules and laws and regulations to keep us all safe but in the whole picture, what does it mean to be free? What does it mean for you?

Because for each and everyone of us it is different. For some people it may mean having a choice about what to do in their day. Other people may define their freedom as the ability to choose the type of work they want to do. For another group it may be having the freedom of choice of where they spend their money, of being able to buy what they want without having to worry about the money they spend.

But at the core of freedom is choice. Many have had their ability to choose taken away from them without even realizing it, living a life that sometimes does not feel quite right. And, if I may I will come to one or two of you because that is how Spirit works with me. And it always happens to us when we think we cannot be, do, have, experience for very good reasons and Spirit gave me a picture of a cage. They have given it to me before because, just like everybody else, I sometimes feel myself in a cage and they showed me that the cage door was open. So, it is very good for us to realize that all we must do is step out of that cage but often we get stuck there. Why is it so?

And I was shown a book, “There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem” by Wayne Dyer. It literally took me years to understand that there actually IS a solution for every, and the word that dropped into that sentence was ‘perceived,’ problem. Because we have other things going on behind the scenes and so, as we get that understanding it really does give us that freedom.

And it is given to each of us. I got the picture of getting on a flight and I heard the words, “Come to paradise.” A different way of being. So, you might want to take a moment now to visualise that cage, your own cage and see where you are in relation to that cage. Are you really outside of that cage? Or are you inside that cage? Is the door shut? Is the door a little ajar or is it wide open?

Some of you are fortunate enough not to be in any cage. So, the big question is, how do we step out of that cage and into freedom?  A few things to help you understand and change the situation. The first key to freedom is to really know who you are. You are a Divine Being and, thanks to spiritualism and the evidence of life after death given through Mediumship and those experiences that cannot be explained in physical terms, you know that here is more. But how do you know who you really are?

I was attending a training session, and we were asked to go into a quiet place, connect to a higher light and ask, “Who am I?” I want you to know that your ‘I am’ is always positive, empowering, and magnificent. Because it is the truth of who you are. And the one thing they gave to me was, that I am an eagle and I fly high above the rest of the world and all its problems. And I went, “Oh, do I?” Because we do not recognize that within ourselves, do we? So, it is important to check in understand who you really are.

And then it is about trusting your own intuition for that freedom because we get those feelings, don’t we? Oh, this does not feel right. I really need to move. This is not where I am meant to be. No, this job does not work for me. This is not honouring my Soul. I need to be doing something else. So, there is also trusting Spirit in any situation. I will tell you about a situation that happened to me in my street.

Every morning, four mornings in a row, starting at 2.00 o'clock in the morning, there was this loud banging and noise. It was very loud and then the police would arrive and, because I live on the corner, and the house where the banging was happening was three doors away, the police parked right outside our bedroom. Sirens going on and police noise all contributed to the general confusion. The young man in the house three doors up who was making the noise, was lighting fires on fire ban days so, on the Wednesday morning it started, we had three fire trucks in the street. Next day it happened again and then the police came out on the Saturday morning. It was a critical experience because they called the Critical Incident Squad to come from Melbourne so our whole street was closed off and the neighbours were terrified. The young man was having a mental breakdown, and, in that moment, as I stood out in the street and saw that the dog squad was there and men in black were ready to take control, in that moment, Spirit said to me, ‘We are not going to live in silence. We are not going to live in fear.” And in that moment, I knew that everything was going to be okay.

I got to talk to the neighbours who were worried and I was able to calm them. That young man is now in hospital getting the care he needs. It was a very interesting experience which again proved that Spirit is always there. Always ready to help, to guide and to assure us that we will get the answers and, while they may not be the answers we want, they will be the answers we need. And wherever you are meant to be, Spirit will get you there and Spirit will take care of you. 

You can let go and just trust. Each and every one of us, we are being watched over and taken care of – freedom plus. And we do not have to worry.

There is also an awareness on this journey that there is a hidden agenda, and it is answered by the Seventh Principle, “Eternal progress open to every soul who chooses to walk this pathway.” So, I want you to imagine you are in the Spirit world. You are a beautiful Soul, and you are with others in your Soul group. And your Guides are with you helping to prepare you for your next incarnation on the Earth plane. I actually could see a guy with a clipboard, and he was checking it off and I could hear him saying, “Now, in this next Earth life, the Souls in the group are going to experience many challenges. Some will be ongoing for many years. Others will be resolved quite quickly. You may experience lack, confusion, job changes and losses, the loss of a loved one, maybe a few health issues too. However, the good news is that on your agenda is leadership, becoming a healer, being sort after for your teaching, and being well recognized for your contribution. Oh yes, you have lessons to learn but remember that you signed up for this, because you are keen to progress so, are you ready to join Planet Earth? And you say bring it on! And there is great joy and celebration as you make your way onto the Earth Plane.

So, when we arrive, we have forgotten who we really are and what it is we are here to learn. That hidden agenda. And so, a good question to ask is what is it that I am learning right now? And we do not have to do it all the time. We do not have to drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out what is going on. You will get that little ah ha moment. What am I learning right now? Why is that person giving me a hard time? Louise Hay teaches us that, when you have a lot of people around you all doing a similar thing that a message from the Universe saying that you are giving yourself a hard time.

So, you can recognize it and assess the situation. There are so many external incidents with significant others in our lives and experiences and, we all know that don’t we? We are all working on that and one of the things is that awareness of what is happening and how we are doing things that form patterns in our lives. And some of you are aware of that. My son Terry, who is in Spirit, at the age of 18 wanted me to make a quilt. And did I know how to make a quilt? Absolutely not! But the Universe provides and so it worked out and I gave him his quilt. After he passed into Spirit, that quilt is now used by Spirit and Spirit will hold it up and show me and I will go, “Oh, okay. There is some pattern that I am taking on board that I am demonstrating in my world that is not really serving me.” And we all have patterns. The same thing keeps happening and so awareness is important.

Pay attention to what is going on because that will give you freedom of being and just watching and keeping an eye out for what you are doing and then, just be still and ask Spirit what is it that you are meant to be doing? What is it that you need to know? And we need to watch what we are thinking because our beliefs do have a monumental effect on our lives, so we do need to be mindful of our thoughts.

Most of the time we are very perceptive but there are those times when we go into a different state, and it happens because we are human. But guess what? It is okay to do that. But it is the constant that we have in our head, that we have on our minds and so, we must be very careful of what we are creating. And we know that our thoughts create emotions which do lead to outcomes. So many people say that you must honour your emotions. But I am trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming, and it is your thoughts that create your emotions. So yes, honour your emotions. But you must ask, “What was I thinking in order to feel this way.” Because then you will have a different outcome.

And you must be on guard on the door of your thoughts. Many years ago, when I first got onto this journey I was learning. I have the most gorgeous husband; we have been married for a very long time. One day he came in from work and he ran his finger over the furniture and in my head, I am thinking, “He thinks I am not doing a good job. He thinks I am not a good housewife.” Those were my thoughts and so I walked away took a few deep breaths and thought, “No, do not go there Christine. Go back and ask the question.” So, I went back and said, “What was all that about?” as I wiped my finger over the furniture. And he said, “Oh, we just had a new driveway put in and I was checking the level of dust that comes into the house to see if it had it made any difference.” So, there you go. We do have to be careful of what we are thinking. The other thing is being aware of having the freedom of making mistakes because, it is through our mistakes, that we learn and grow.

However, we have been in training since childhood to be perfect, to get everything right. But we do not. And that is okay because we are human and that is the way we learn. It is okay if it does not work out because it is those experiences that help us to understand and do better next time.

There is also another thing that we really need to be aware of and, from my training as a ‘Heal Your Life’ facilitator, which is based on the teaching of Louise Hay, I understand that this is the really huge one. How many times and how often do we say, “I should.” And then if we do not do what we think we ‘should’ do, what happens? We feel bad. We do not feel good enough. Something has happened. And Lousie Hay says to get that word out of your vocabulary.

The quickest, easiest, and simplest way to work on your “I should” is an exercise that I am going to get you to do now. Close your eyes and complete that sentence. “I should…….” What are you thinking that you should do? And the next question is, “Well, if you really wanted to, why don’t you?” Guess what, most of the time you do not really want to, but you think that you should. So that is freedom. You let go of the “I should” and you really think it through and, if it is something that you want to do, then you have the freedom to do it.

Because I draw on Spirit, they gave me a mixing bowl many years age, and Spirit goes, “That is the mixing bowl of your life.” “Okay what are we putting in it?” “What do you want to put in it?” Because often we are so caught up in the everyday things that we do not always take the time to stop and think about, “What do I want?” So, imagining that mixing bowl. Imagine what you want to have. Know that you are allowed and that is another learning. I was sitting in a seminar and the guy up the front, probably one of the number one coaches in Australia, kept saying, “You’re allowed.” Okay but, because of the training and the conditioning we had as little kids we do not think that we are allowed and unfortunately, we take that on board. And that happens in our imprint years from birth to about 7 years of age. All this conditioning has gone on in our lives and we have no idea that it is sitting there until the time comes, and we get that huge awakening.

I kept hearing him say it and then I got the ‘ah ha’ moment. How many of us as kids heard it all the time from our parents and, yes, they are doing a wonderful job as our parents, but the message was that you are not allowed. “No, you cannot have that! That is not going to happen. You are not allowed.’ How many times have you heard those phrases and you have taken it on board, and you have no idea that it is sitting there until years go by and suddenly you know that your life is not working properly and the Universe steps in to help you.

So, what would freedom look like, sound like, and be like for you. That is your homework, to think about that.  Just a couple more things; free to be your authentic self, just free to be you. Does not matter what anybody thinks, says, or does because, no matter how much you want to control that, you are not going to. You may just say one word that somebody in that person’s life used to say, and it did not go down very well, and you have triggered that memory for them, so they are not looking at you in a good way because of the memory that word evoked.

Also feel free to live as you intend to live. Okay? So, you have some choices. Feel free to put yourself first and that is a big one for many people. And freedom from fear. Whatever is meant to be, Spirit will take care of it for you. Spirit will give you the nudge. There are many times when we do not get the answers, we want but that is because there is a Divine timing and order in everything.

I came across something on the internet yesterday. A beautiful lady discovered that there is a freedom that only you can give to yourself, and this is the most important freedom of all; it is freedom to live life on your terms. It cannot be taken away from you by an outside force. This freedom is not something you have to acquire; you already have it. It is already within you. It is something already inside of you waiting patiently for you to discover it and claim it. I will leave that with you with love and blessings.

Thank you for listening.

Christine Goritchan