Val’s Homily – 5 May 2024

Time to Feel Joy and Peace

“Whilst sitting here with pen in hand wondering what to write, l became acutely aware, once the washing machine had stopped, how quiet it was. For a moment or two there were no cars, no trains, no aircraft, just the sound of birds twittering and singing. And I thought to myself, ‘how lucky am I that I had this moment in time where nothing mattered, everything could be put aside for this brief moment of joy.’

Joy to feel that I am a Spirit experiencing an exceptional moment of peace and harmony, not just in what is around me but what’s inside of me as well. I know some people will say “well lucky you, I haven’t got time.”

However, it is all about managing your time, managing to have a plan. It does not have to be huge, just five minutes to appreciate this beautiful Earth.

We cannot hold onto the ways of the world that do not bring us peace. We all know what is going on over the world and in our country, but we cannot hold onto that. What we can do though, is bring love, peace, and harmony in our world every day.

Take time to appreciate what you have. Do not dwell on things that you think you lack. You have the freedom to think about what you can bring to the world, to your friends and your family. Go towards the things that will uplift you not those things that will bring you down.

I know that we cannot do everything. We cannot change what is going on, but we can help in our way to change some things by bringing more joy to the world and do not forget laughter, tell a joke even if it is a dad joke. We can be the change and remember “what you think so it shall be”. Not necessarily all the monetary wishes, but the love of another human being, the love of children.

And what you learn here and see here you take that with you when you leave, and it ripples to those around you so, you do have an effect and it can be to give more love and joy and laughter cause we all need more of that in our lives.

It is the small blessings that should uplift your heart and, you know that all through this life, your Guardian Angels walk with you and are always here to help. Just do not be too busy to ask.

Love and Light to you all

Val Ollive