SUNDAY 2nd JUNE 2024


After having watched Lee Harris’s talk about the "June Energy Update" and how the world is currently feeling overwhelmed, it got me thinking. We are all aware of what is going on in the world via the media and it can be very overwhelming. He went on to say that those people who are sensitives may have been feeling this way particularly in May.

For me personally that has been very true, so I started asking myself all the questions such as am I trying to do too much? What things are important to me? Should l let some things go? I know there are probably a few of you who are maybe feeling the same.

Well, I had a good talk to Spirit about this last night and I told them l needed help. As it is said, “ask and you shall receive.” So, after a good night’s sleep and watching Lee, I had my answer.

I am not alone in this world; there are many who are feeling the same way, and the answer is simple, we should stop being so hard on ourselves. Things will change as we are forever changing. We change our minds; we change our clothes, and our bodies are always changing etc.

Just be aware when feeling overwhelmed. Hold your own space. Remember we are continually walking into each other’s energies without even realising it. So, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed ask yourself, is it your energy or someone else’s?

The good thing is that you can always smudge yourself and your home to allay any unwanted energies that are not welcome. So, put your best foot forward as we walk into a world full of wonder and know that Spirit always walks beside you.

Blessings of love and Light - Val Ollive